Radon Gas

There are many things to consider when buying a new house, but something you might be overlooking is a test for radon gas. What are the dangers of radon gas? Radon gas is the second leading cause for lung cancer, so it makes sense to protect yourself and your family....

Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumak

If you have been exposed to poison oak, poison sumak or poison ivy, that is an experience you will never forget. These three plants are part of the same family, and the result from exposure can lead to a serious allergic reaction. Sometimes this could just be a rash,...

Asphalt Shingle Roofs

There are many different options for roofing materials. One of them is asphalt shingles. You can recognize them as gray tiles in different shades. Sometimes moss or mold will start growing on these types of roofs. This can be a serious problem that could do costly...

Aluminum Siding

There are many different types of siding materials, and aluminum is one of the most common types. There are many advantages to aluminum siding, such as being durable, and even lasting for decades. It does not get damaged by fire, water or termites. Depending on the...

Safety Is Your #1 Concern

Whether you are a do-it-yourself type of person or you prefer to have someone else doing the work for you, safety should be a major concern for you. Why is that? Neglecting the care of your home will create safety hazards, but so will the work involved in taking care...


Do you have wallpaper in your home? If installed correctly, it can be very beautiful. Wallpaper comes in a variety of styles and patterns, and can be an easy and inexpensive way to liven up a room. There are, however, a few points to consider. If you are buying a...
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