Minimizing The Damage Water Can Cause

Water can do a lot of damage to a home, and every part of the building is affected. Did you know that at one point the Niagara Falls was moving 5 feet every year because of erosion? If water can eat away at solid rock, then imagine what it can do to the much softer...

All Eyes On You

In today’s world, everything is being recorded. While it has helped solve crimes and provides security, some feel like it is becoming more and more challenging to have privacy. Whatever your feelings on the subject are, there is no denying that a security system,...
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Louisville KY home Inspections

What Every Home Buyer in the Louisville Area Should Know

Find out what every home buyer in Louisville should know when purchasing their home.

Don't miss these critical and important issues that could plague you for years.

The difference in knowing could be the home of your dreams, or a money pit...

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