What Should You Pay For An Inspection?

Is it worth it to go get the cheapest inspector you can find, just to get the formality of an inspection done when buying a home? The answer is always no. If your inspector doesn’t have the tools, training and expertise needed to make a thorough and full inspection,...

Have You Considered Linoleum Flooring?

What do you have on your floors? You might not be aware what type of flooring you have currently, but if it is time to replace it, have you given linoleum some thought? Why should you consider linoleum to be a good choice? If you are concerned about the environment,...
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Louisville KY home Inspections

What Every Home Buyer in the Louisville Area Should Know

Find out what every home buyer in Louisville should know when purchasing their home.

Don't miss these critical and important issues that could plague you for years.

The difference in knowing could be the home of your dreams, or a money pit...

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