Have you ever been tempted to flush something down the toilet that you want to get rid of? We’re not talking about excrement or toilet paper, but anything besides that. As a rule, nothing else should go down the toilet, but here are a few items that will definitely cause you problems.

Cooking Grease – even though it might be in liquid form when you flush it, it will quickly congeal.

Dental floss – even though it might seem like a small flexible item, this can get Tangled up and cause clogs.

Q-Tips – these will get stuck in bends of the pipe.

Wet wipes – even if these might say “Flushable” on the package, the truth is, they are not.
Diapers – to some, flushing a diaper might seem to make sense, but it will most likely not even make it past the first bend in your pipes.

Cat litter – some cat litter will be especially damaging since it is made to form clumps.

Before you decide to flush something down the toilet, consider if it is worth spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on plumbing repairs rather than walking to a trash can.

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