If you have watched a lot of movies, you might have the wrong impression of bats. Some are scared of them while others find them disgusting, but in reality, bats can be very useful to have near your home. They eat a lot of the flying bugs around your home, like mosquitoes, and this means that your time spent outside can be a lot more comfortable.
But, we say that they are useful near your home, and this doesn’t mean that they are nice house guests. If bats decide to make their home in your attic, you might deal with guano (bat droppings) as well as having an attic that is going to be difficult to get into without a big mess.
To get bats out of the attic, your best bet is to use a one-way excursion device. These devices will let the bats travel through them in one direction but not back in. As long as you have any holes they could use to come back in patched up, you will soon have a bat-free attic.

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