Daylight Savings Lime

While this has nothing to do with changing the clocks back, it most certainly will help with the $Savings$ as in Money. This is a picture of where a lot of dollars will be flowing if not corrected soon. The Insulation around the A/C lines coming into the interior of...

Sink Hole Inspections

Got an e-mail today asking for a quote to inspect a home for sink hole, got me to thinking about who is actually qualified to inspect for a sink hole and how does one go about inspecting for that? Are there any obvious signs? Perhaps a geologist would be more...

Another Happy Home Inspection Client!

Another happy home inspections client – this home inspection was in Rennselaer: “Hi Jay, Thank you for your time today and going over everything with us, we really appreciate it. My only question for you was, would you [personal information redacted] If...
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Louisville KY home Inspections

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