When considering the safety of your children in your home, you need to think about both the home itself as well as the furniture in it. This is definitely  the case with a crib. While you would think that your child should be safe while sleeping, cribs have proven to have many dangers that in some cases cost children their lives. You can do an inspection of your crib to make sure that it is a safe place for your child to sleep.

One of the most dangerous things to infants is suffocation. This is why you should avoid having loose blankets and similar things in the crib. There are safer alternatives such as wearable blankets and sleep sacks. Make sure that the crib is firmly assembled with no loose parts, or gaps where a child could get stuck. You should also be on the alert for any recall notices from the manufacturer, since these often are issued after a child has been hurt in some way in a crib.

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