How Does Your Guest Bathroom Look?

It might have been quite a while since you had people staying over in your home. The ongoing pandemic has limited travel and in-person visits, but something that you might not have thought of is what this means for your guest bathroom. Bathrooms are designed to be...

The Siding of Choice

Vinyl siding on homes is a no-brainer for many homeowners. When you compare it to most other materials, it is much cheaper, easier to install and easier to care for. There is no wonder that so many homes have it in this country. In fact, it is by far the most common...
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Louisville KY home Inspections

What Every Home Buyer in the Louisville Area Should Know

Find out what every home buyer in Louisville should know when purchasing their home.

Don't miss these critical and important issues that could plague you for years.

The difference in knowing could be the home of your dreams, or a money pit...

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