Do You Have Asbestos In Your Home?

Between 1930 and 1950, many houses were made with asbestos installation. Use was discontinued when it was realized that the fibers from asbestos could cause serious damage to the respiratory system, possibly even lung cancer. Unfortunately, some homeowners are unaware...

Fixing Windows

One of the most common causes for energy loss in an older home are your windows. Whether you are trying to keep the cool air inside your home in the summertime or the cold outside in the wintertime, spending some time and money on making sure your windows are in good...
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Louisville KY home Inspections

What Every Home Buyer in the Louisville Area Should Know

Find out what every home buyer in Louisville should know when purchasing their home.

Don't miss these critical and important issues that could plague you for years.

The difference in knowing could be the home of your dreams, or a money pit...

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