Using Trees to Shade Your Home

There's nothing like the shade of a big tree on a hot summer day to bring relief and comfort. Did you know, though, that you can get the same kind of effect on your home? There's a term called "landscape shading" that is used to describe purposely planting trees,...

A Responsible Home Gym

There's nothing like the feeling of invigoration and mental clarity that comes from a good routine of exercise. In fact, to achieve those goals, many homeowners have installed personal gyms in their homes by purchasing their own exercise equipment. If you've done so,...

What’s Going on in Your Attic?

Do you know what's going on in your attic? Most homeowners would prefer not to spend any time up there, since most attics are unfinished, dirty, dark spaces. You could go months or even years without even looking up there! The thing is, though, that a lot of common...

Ways to Beat Excessive Power Draw

Have you ever heard the term "power draw"? This is a colloquial term that is used to describe the amount of energy that an appliance consumes. Appliances are typically built to consume a set amount of energy, both to ensure energy efficiency and to prevent damage to...

Improving Your Home Maintenance

Owning a home can be hard work. Sometimes you might feel like there just are too many things to care for, but this might just be an indication that you need to improve your process. If you have a maintenance schedule, you can take care of all the essential tasks in...

A Well of Light

For a finished basement to have natural light, there is an option that involves quite a bit of work, but if you really want good lighting in a room that is below ground level, this is to be expected. The method for this is called window wells, and it involves digging...

Fridge Ice Makers

If you have the convenience of an ice maker in your fridge, you will also have a water supply line connected to it. While you might not think about it every day, it is important to remember this when you are moving the fridge around. A ruptured water line could be a...

When Pets are Sticking Around

The effect that allergies have on people can range widely, from itching and sneezing to life-threatening conditions. Of course, the majority of allergy sufferers won’t go into an anaphylactic shock when exposed to some pet dander, but still, living in a home that has...

Taking Responsibility for Your Septic System

Homeowners that have a septic system have an additional responsibility or they might find themselves with a failing septic system, possibly causing sewage to back up into the house. It is recommended to have your tank pumped at least once every five years, but more...

Just One More Worry…

Is there formaldehyde in your home? You might not think so, but you could be surprised. Formaldehyde has been used in insulation, glues, pressed wood, and fabrics, and sometimes without any way for you to find out. Usually, the smell of formaldehyde will be noticeable...

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