Your Dryer Exhaust
When you run your dryer, does it vent the exhaust outside your home? It is very important that it does. Why is that? Because your average load of laundry will contain about a gallon of water, and this will go out through the exhaust of your dryer. Just imagine...
Measuring Water Flow
Do you know how to measure the flow rate of your faucet? It is a good fact to know if you want to conserve water. The measurement for flow rate is gallons per minute, and a proper flow rate is around one gallon per minute. To measure your flow rate you just need to...
Wasps, Hornets and Yellow-jackets
Wasps can disrupt your outdoor life. The types that you most commonly find around your home are either hornets, yellowjackets and paper wasps. Wasps, unlike bees do not feed on pollen, instead they are predatory, which is one reason why they easily become a problem...
Keeping Your Children Safe
For parents, the safety of their children is of foremost concern. They will do a lot to keep them safe at school, when traveling on the road and in the public in general, but what about in your home? Many might assume that your home is a safe place for children, but...
Are Your Windows Foggy?
If your windows in your home appear foggy, even white-tinted, and they can’t be cleared up, what might be the problem? This condition is caused when a double pane window has failed. In between the panes of the windows there is a gas that works as an insulator to make...
Should You Install a Window Film?
The sun - we’ve all been waiting for it to come back after the winter, and most of us love the heat it provides. However, sometimes you might get too much of a good thing, especially inside your home. If you have many windows, you might experience the same effect a...
An AC in Your Window
As summer gets ever closer, many homeowners are preparing their homes for increased heat. If you don’t have central air conditioning, or if there are rooms where you need some extra cold air, the solution is usually a window mounted air conditioner. These units are...
What Should You Pay For An Inspection?
Is it worth it to go get the cheapest inspector you can find, just to get the formality of an inspection done when buying a home? The answer is always no. If your inspector doesn’t have the tools, training and expertise needed to make a thorough and full inspection,...
Have You Considered Linoleum Flooring?
What do you have on your floors? You might not be aware what type of flooring you have currently, but if it is time to replace it, have you given linoleum some thought? Why should you consider linoleum to be a good choice? If you are concerned about the environment,...
Old Fashioned Roofing
One of the earliest manufactured roofing materials is clay roofing, and still today, it is commonly in use. In fact, some of the clay roofs that you see today could have been around when your grandparents were kids. Since clay lasts such a long time, it is definitely...