Responsible Use of Pesticides

If you have pests, weeds or similar problems, the quick and simple solution could be a pesticide. While pesticides have become less harmful than they were in the past, there are still quite a few safety precautions that you should take when using and storing...

What is That Smell?

None of us like to have weird smells in our house. This is especially the case in your kitchen since that is where you get your food from, but unfortunately, this is where they will pop up most often. Some of the obvious culprits are your garbage and your fridge, but...

Using Power Strips Safely

Does it seem like you never have enough outlets in your home? We have so many devices that all need to be plugged in and charged. Most likely you have several power strips around your home to remedy the situation While you might think that using a power strip is a...

Using a Wood Burning Stove For Heat

There are many options for heating your home, but there are few that can make such a difference in the atmosphere of your home as a wood burning stove. The smell and look of a wood burning stove it something that most of us find very cozy. Unfortunately, it is not the...

How Not To Be Wasteful With Water

Do you ever wonder how much water you use in an average day? Some estimates put the number for the average American around 90 gallons per day. Considering that there is only so much freshwater available, and projections tell us that it might be even more scarce in the...

Cold Tap Water

What is the temperature of the water coming out of your cold water tap? In some homes it could be that the water comes out warm. There could be different reasons for this, and to figure out why, you might need to do some detective work. Your first question...

What Are Wind Breaks?

You might find the sound of strong winds around your home to be cozy, especially when you’re in the warm comfort inside, but they could also make the area around your home uncomfortable, and even damage your home. It’s also possible that wind could...

Getting A Quick Inspection

We all enjoy when things take less time than expected, and that is definitely true when it comes to home inspections. Would you like to have an inspection that is very quick and free from trouble? Taking the time to prepare will help you with that. You...

How To Safely Use Rainwater

Many people today wish to live off the grid, having their utilities provided for without relying on any public services. While the reasons for doing this differ, everyone has the same basic needs, including power, food, water and shelter. Gaining access to...

What Is a GFCI?

Electricity and water don’t mix. That is why having outlets in your bathroom brings extra risk, and for over 60 years, the safeguard against this danger has been GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlets. These outlets will disconnect power when...

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